Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies

I would consider myself to be more of a savory person than a sweets person, but yesterday I was really wanting some chocolate chip cookies. So I went on a hunt. Little did I know that everyone (and their grandma) out there thinks their chocolate chip cookie recipe is the best. I decided that rather than look on the typical recipe websites, I would search through some blogs so I could not only get a recipe, but also read what makes their cookie recipe the best. I came across a blog called Savory Sweet Life and I figured we might have similar tastes. I began to read her blog on her cookie recipe and decided pretty quickly that I would try her recipe.
Yummy cookie dough

I did discover that the dough wasn't as thick as I thought it should be, and I even added an extra 2-3 tablespoons of flour at the last minute. The recipe yields 4 dozen cookies, but I ended up with closer to five (and that wasn't including the cookie dough that my husband and I ate). I used my medium scoop to keep the cookies uniform. I always have a problem with keeping them the same size - my cookies always end up getting bigger and bigger when I just eyeball it. My baking sheet could only hold 12 cookies at a time, so I refrigerated the dough in between bakings. I used mini chips, because that's all I had, and I wonder if that made my dough seem not so thick.
My mother-load of cookies!
I think I'm going to have to agree with Alice on this one - these cookies were REALLY good! In fact, I thought it was good enough for me to hold on to the recipe to try again, and I don't do that often. Right out of the oven the cookies seemed a little more on the crunchy side than I like around the edges, but the inside was nice and soft. And even though no one can deny the value of a warm cookie, right from the oven, I have to say I think these are better the second day. The outsides are are the perfect texture and the insides are so chewy! I had two this morning for my second breakfast, and another for elevenses.

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